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5 Things to Consider in a Corporate Swag Provider

Choosing your branded corporate swag provider isn’t necessarily the first thing that comes to mind when mapping out your first business plan. 

After all, your mind is too focused on changing the world or, more realistically, making money.

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Eventually, though, after a short time running your business, you come to a realization.

Swag is one of the most cost-effective, impactful ways to improve your brand’s reputation. It’s an investment into your company’s future.

Customer Service

How easy is it to get ahold of your potential corporate swag provider? Can you simply book a call, or do you have to jump through hoops to get in touch with someone?

More importantly, how much is the corporate brand provider willing to do for you? 

And how much leg work do you have to do? Do you need to travel to the ends of the earth to gather everybody’s shirt size and shipping address? Because a top-notch corporate gift websites will handle most of the nitty-gritty when obtaining information from recipients.

The ideal corporate swag provider will also offer storage on your behalf if you don’t have the space. That’s what we call meeting a customer’s needs.

Curate the perfect box of handpicked gift they’ll love and send joy their way

Variety of Swag

There’s no accounting for taste. That notion rings doubly true when supplying swag to your entire workforce, client base, or prospect pool. That’s a lot of people to impress.

Remember the statistic we mentioned in the introduction–people want swag they enjoy or will use. Failing to provide that can be detrimental to your brand.

So, you don’t necessarily want to partner with a corporate swag provider that offers limited items. That said, they might be a specialty shop, which could suffice if you only send swag to a couple of people. But that’s a hyper-specific set of parameters.

You’ll get more bang for your buck from a company with a catalog of thousands of branded corporate swag items. This way, you’ll buy a piece of swag that suits the tastes of all your recipients, from engraved Yeti tumblers to jackets made by North Face.

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Hassle-Free Ordering and Global Shipping

We live in an on-demand society. The chances are if you’re ordering swag, you’re trying to establish some immediate brand momentum.

So, it’s disappointing when you place an order and have to wait six weeks for the branded corporate swag to be delivered. By then, think of everything that might’ve changed in today’s fast-paced landscape. You could’ve even changed the logo embroidered on the swag in question. 

A corporate swag provider that values your company time will have your swag shipped and delivered between 10-15 days from when you’ve ordered it. 

Flexible Pricing

Branded corporate swag can pay off in many ways, encouraging customers and clients to spend more on your services and fostering loyalty and productivity from your employees.

There is a kicker, though. 

Like many branding practices, you aren’t receiving a direct monetary return from swag items. Instead, your returns are big-picture, long-term, and indirect. So, while those payoffs are often substantial, you must be careful about upfront costs.

Spending thousands of dollars on branded swag that you might not even use is a financial drain more than it is an investment. However, going with an option starting at $25 per recipient, for instance, is far more economical. Plus, you want to ensure your branded swag provider only charges you for redeemed items – that’s right – you only pay for the swag that gets used – no extra waste here!

Going too low with pricing isn’t much better than getting overcharged. Bargain-basement spending tends to generate substandard products, which won’t reflect well on your brand.

Branded Swag In House

Look for a corporate swag provider that offers the utmost customizations, allowing you to design swag with your logo or text. You should even seek out something that lets recipients add their own personalizations to the items. 

The above features give your swag an in-house feel instead of seeming like you bought it from a generic source.

It’s also ideal to have the option of designing your own kit or your own store, depending on your needs. Flexibility is everything. 

If your demands aren’t as intensive, a kit is 100% appropriate because you can select, design, and customize items in minutes with the right swag company. Alternatively, with more high-level demands, such as allowing recipients to seamlessly choose their items, creating your own store makes more sense. 

Also read: How to Induce Your Corporate Values Through Gifting

employee meeting deciding on corporate swag provider

Why Branded Swag?

First, swag & custom branding strengthens your company from within. Almost 60% of employees state they think more favorably of their employer when receiving these items. 

It also impacts both current and potential customers. Upon receiving swag, 85% of recipients did business with the company sending it to them.

However, another stat worth considering is that, according to 72% of consumers, a branded swag item’s quality impacts a brand’s reputation. In other words, your choice of corporate swag provider can vastly affect your company’s image, negatively or positively, depending on the final product. 

With these 5 considerations, you’re ready to align with the corporate swag provider that’ll benefit your brand the most.

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