Simplified Pricing at SwagMagic

Simplified Pricing

Nominal fulfillment fee of $15 with no hidden charges.

Recipient Driven Swag at SwagMagic


Organizers spend zero time collecting data. Addresses, preferences, and sizes are all provided by the recipient!

Swag Catalog

Swag Catalog

Choose from 2,000+ swag items for your kit/store.

Add-on Snacks

Add-On Snacks

Add snacks along with your swag order hassle-free.

Treats Dashboard

Swag Dashboard

Access live inventory to track your order details!


Store Your Swag

You buy swag, and we store it for you at minimal costs.

Our Offerings

From Easter to Thanksgiving, Christmas to New Year - make gifting fun and fashionable with SwagMagic.

Build your own branded swag store, where recipients can choose their own branded swag based on a budget you set. Our in house design experts can help you create branded swag everyone will love.

Build your own branded swag kits and we'll take care of picking, packing and shipping. Just say when! We're thinking corporate occasions like new employee onboarding, work anniversaries or sales kick-off meetings!

Store all your swag (existing and new) in your very own Swag Locker, and keep track of your inventory digitally.

Purchase swag in bulk to get your gifting game sorted, all at once. You'll also get a bulk discount!

Get started on your Employee of the Month gifts

Finalize your Employee of the Month gifting with our swag experts

Go global with international gifting

Send swag to your global team across all countries and regions only with SwagMagic!

International Gifting by SwagMagic


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Frequently Asked Questions

Employee of the Month gifts

Not having an office is one thing, but not having one because it's packed full of leftover swag is quite another, and that was the problem Erin faced. Despite being the office manager, she couldn't even get into her office.

The reason? She was Employee of the Month for the third time this year, and despite numerous attempts to minimize the amount of swag that came in, her desk and shelves were overflowing with more coffee mugs, t-shirts, and other gifts than she could handle. 

She had an employee of the month sign and an employee of the month parking sign; who needed two? It was time to take this problem to the boss!

Employee of the Month gift ideas

Unfortunately, the CEO of Erin's company loves swag more than anything else in the world. He always looked for more swag ideas and excuses to give people extraordinary gifts.

When sales hit targets, they could get amazing branded swag from SwagMagic from a store he had curated himself. When HR recruited someone new, HR and the new hire would find a SnackMagic snack stash waiting for them. And, of course, when someone was voted Employee Of The Month, they got the best swag ever.

The CEO was seemingly never short of new employee of the month gift ideas, and the fact that SwagMagic made it so easy to get everyone's favorite products kept the morale high in the office. Everyone wanted to win employee of the month just for the fabulous swag waiting for them! 

Employee of the Month ideas

Even though she could not open her office door because of the amount of swag in the way, Erin had to admit that the SwagMagic service was a great way to keep everyone motivated. With it, she could easily order products for each new hire or employee of the month and deliver them directly to her desk

The possibilities were endless, from custom t-shirts with funny catchphrases to personalized mugs or office supplies! SwagMagic offered a range of discounts and deals that Erin used to keep morale high in the office.

Instead of fighting over who should be the next employee of the month, Erin created a nomination process, an employee of the month criteria, and let her team decide! She asked each person to make a short nomination video for one deserving co-worker every month. This was then shared with the rest of the team for voting. 

She also encouraged her staff to develop employee-of-the-month ideas and created an employee of the month nomination example that everyone could follow. This ensured that all of the nominations were fair and consistent!

Employee of the Month celebration

When the end of the month rolled around, Erin would host an Employee of the Month Celebration to honor and recognize the winner. Depending on the size of her team, she would either invite everyone in for a pizza party or take the winning employee out to lunch. It was a great way to show appreciation and highlight all the hard work each person put into their job daily! 

Of course, the swag was still the highlight of the day! Each winner would receive a special prize, like a gift card or an extra vacation day. Erin felt so proud to reward her team for their dedication, and the hard work she put into creating this program was worth every effort! 

The Employee of the Month Celebration quickly became a regular part of her team’s environment and eventually grew to include a particular employee of the month banner and a short employee of the month speech.

Employee of the Month social media posts

Given the importance of creating a work culture that acknowledges and celebrates employees, Erin also took it upon herself to create a social media presence for the program. She shared employee of the month social media posts on their internal communication platform each month and encouraged her team to share them with their networks.

Soon enough, everyone in her organization talked about the Employee of The Month Celebrations and wanted to adopt the practice. To help out, Erin created a workboard with employee of the month write up examples, nomination sample statements example, and reason for nomination examples. 

Sharing this kind of best practice with her colleagues helped other teams recognize their employees and created camaraderie and competition between groups to find the most deserving employee each month. 

Erin created an engaging atmosphere that encouraged everyone to do their best work by demonstrating how much she valued her team's efforts. Recognizing individual employees for their hard work had a positive domino effect throughout the organization, leading to an overall increase in morale and productivity. 

With her efforts, Erin created a culture that emphasized appreciation of both team and individual successes, helping to foster strong relationships between co-workers and encouraging collaboration between departments. 

Employee Recognition display boards

Heeding the call of her team, Erin decided to create an employee of the month board design. Employees submitted short stories about their successes and accomplishments every week, which were posted on the wall. 

This became a popular spot for employees to share their achievements and be celebrated by their peers. Employee recognition display boards soon spread throughout the offices and praised the hard work of all departments, from IT to accounting to sales. Employee board ideas helped foster a sense of community across the entire organization, with each department recognizing and celebrating its colleagues’ successes in other departments. 

Amid all this work to support her team, Erin was overjoyed to learn that SwagMagic offers a convenient option for swag storage - Swag Locker. Finally, she had a way to store and manage all the swag items in one place. 

With all the swag out of the way, Erin's office suddenly felt super bare, so she ordered herself a few luxuries, like a massage chair and a new bed for the office dog. Unfortunately, her team started congregating in her office to take advantage of the latest amenities. However, Erin was thrilled that her team found ways to relax and bond in a shared space!

Ultimately, her actions were so successful that the CEO just gave her another office to store all the swag. This time, she remembered Swag Locker and used it to organize her new stash of goodies. Erin happily reported that the office was once again neat and organized - plus, she could easily find what she needed whenever she wanted! 

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