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Fun Pride Month Ideas: Ways to Celebrate Pride Month at Work 

June is Pride Month! Pride Month is a time to celebrate the impactful history of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer individuals. Pride Month is also a time to recognize all of the amazing LGBTQ contributions to society, celebrate diversity, and embrace inclusivity. 

There are so many amazing ways to celebrate pride month. Pride month ideas range from attending Pride Parades, flying a Pride Ally flag, or showing allyship with Pride Ally shirts

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If you’re not sure how to celebrate pride month, there are so many different ways to do so. Pride celebrations include pride parades, workshops, picnics, parties, and concerts. Celebrating pride isn’t just limited to the LGBTQ community either, plenty of straight allies show their support by celebrating Pride Month. 

girl with pride flag

Celebrate Pride Month at Work with these Ideas and Activities for Employees

Are you wondering how to celebrate Pride Month at work? Celebrating Pride Month at work is a great way to incorporate inclusivity and diversity into the workplace. So, if you want to bring some of the celebrations to the office, we have some of the best pride month ideas for work.

Celebrate Pride Month with Branded Company Merch

Invest in branded company merchandise that showcases your support for Pride Month. This could be T-shirts, pins, mugs, or other items with the Pride colors and your company logo. This can help employees show their support for the LGBTQ+ community and also helps to create a sense of unity within your company.

pride tshirt


Start with education. Arrange sessions, workshops, or discussions about the history of Pride Month, the LGBTQ+ community, their struggles, and their rights. This could include having guest speakers from the LGBTQ+ community, allies, or diversity and inclusion experts.

Group of teenagers at the meeting in favor of lgtbq pride
Group of teenagers at the meeting in favor of lgtbq pride

Show your Pride

If it’s allowed, encourage employees to dress in rainbow colors or wear pride-themed accessories. Decorate the office with pride flags or other symbols. This can be a visual reminder of the celebration and a sign of solidarity with the community.

LGBTQ flags on office building
LGBTQ flags on office building

Ally Training

Arrange ally training sessions to help employees understand what it means to be an ally to the LGBTQ+ community. This can help improve inclusivity in the workplace and show your support for the LGBTQ+ community.

Pride Month Events

Hold events or activities throughout the month. This could be movie screenings, book clubs, or discussions about LGBTQ+ literature and film. Hosting a Pride parade or party can also be a fun way to celebrate.

Gay parade with LGBT flag.
Gay parade with LGBT flag.

Support LGBTQ+ Charities

Your company could choose to donate to charities that support the LGBTQ+ community. Even better, you could match donations made by employees to these charities.


Incorporate Inclusive Policies

Pride Month is a good time to review your company’s policies to ensure they are inclusive. This could include policies around non-discrimination, inclusion, and benefits for same-sex partners.

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Communication and Social Media

Show your support publicly by making posts on social media, emails, or newsletters acknowledging Pride Month. This communicates your company’s stance on diversity and inclusion to both your employees and the public.

Portrait of young woman wearing gay pride mask symbol of LGBTQ social community
Portrait of young woman wearing gay pride mask symbol of LGBTQ social community

Create a Safe Space

Ensure your workplace is a safe space for everyone, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity. Encourage open conversation, and have a zero-tolerance policy for discrimination or harassment.

Recognize LGBTQ+ Employees and Allies

Highlight the work and contributions of LGBTQ+ employees in your organization. You can also recognize the efforts of allies who are working to make the workplace more inclusive.

Employee Resource Groups (ERGs)

If your company doesn’t already have one, consider establishing an ERG (Employee Resource Group) for LGBTQ+ employees and allies. These groups can provide support, enhance career development, and contribute to personal development in the work environment.

Attend a Pride Parade or Event as a Company

Organize a group of employees to attend a local Pride parade or event together. This could be a great team-building activity, and it shows your company’s public support for the LGBTQ+ community. If the pandemic or other restrictions prevent in-person attendance, consider joining or watching a virtual Pride event.

LGBTQ, celebration and friends with flags in city for a pride parade or event for the community.
LGBTQ, celebration and friends with flags in city for a pride parade or event for the community.

Publish a Diversity and Inclusion Newsletter Centered Around Pride Month

Prepare a newsletter specifically focusing on Pride Month, diversity, and inclusion. This could include stories of LGBTQ+ employees, historical facts about the Pride movement, information on company policies that support LGBTQ+ employees, and upcoming Pride-related events. Highlight what your company is doing or plans to do to improve diversity and inclusion. This newsletter could be a valuable resource for employees and a way to highlight your company’s commitment to these issues.

Celebrating Pride Month at work is about more than just activities just about one month of the year, but a year-round commitment to inclusion, respect, and support for the LGBTQ+ community. It’s an opportunity to reaffirm your company’s commitment to diversity, inclusivity, and respect for all. Make sure that the initiatives and policies you start during this month continue throughout the entire year, showing your consistent support for the LGBTQ+ community.

lgbt colors flag from multicolors pens. rainbow colored background

Pride Month Ideas and Activities for Students at School

Celebrating Pride Month can be a powerful way for students to learn about diversity, acceptance, and the history of the LGBTQ+ community.

If you’re in a classroom setting, there are plenty of LGBTQ activities for schools that can be done to support diversity and inclusion.

Educational Workshops

Host workshops that educate students about the history and significance of Pride Month and the LGBTQ+ rights movement. This can be done in age-appropriate ways to foster understanding and respect.

Pride Flag Raising Ceremony

Hold a ceremony to raise the Pride flag at your school. This can be a symbolic gesture of support and acceptance for the LGBTQ+ community.

LGBTQ+ Book Club

Start a book club focusing on literature by LGBTQ+ authors or books with LGBTQ+ themes. Discussing these works can open dialogue and increase understanding among students.

Film Screenings

Screen movies or documentaries that celebrate LGBTQ+ history or experiences. This can be followed by a discussion to further engage students in the topic.

Guest Speakers

Invite members of the local LGBTQ+ community, allies, or advocates to talk to students. This provides a first-hand perspective and allows students to engage in open dialogue.

Art Projects

Organize art projects centered around the theme of Pride Month. This could include making rainbow-themed crafts, posters, or a mural.

LGBT community flag depicted on paper origami ship
LGBT community flag depicted on paper origami ship

Pride Parade

Organize a mini Pride parade within the school grounds. Students can make banners, posters, and decorations. This can be a fun, engaging way to show support for the LGBTQ+ community.

Discussion Panels

Host a panel discussion where students can learn more about various topics related to the LGBTQ+ community. This could include topics such as acceptance, diversity, and inclusion.

Celebrate Notable Figures

Integrate lessons into the curriculum that highlight notable LGBTQ+ figures in history, science, art, etc. This can help students understand the significant contributions of LGBTQ+ individuals.

Support Groups

Establish or promote existing support groups for LGBTQ+ students and allies. These groups can provide a safe space for students to share their experiences and feelings.

Ally Training

Offer training sessions on how to be an ally to the LGBTQ+ community. This can help students learn how to support their peers effectively and respectfully.

Write Essays or Stories

Encourage students to write essays or stories about diversity, acceptance, or Pride Month. This can help them reflect on what they’ve learned and express their thoughts.

Pride Month Assembly

Organize a special school assembly dedicated to Pride Month. This could include speeches from students or staff, performances, or presentations about the importance of diversity, acceptance, and the history of the LGBTQ+ community. The assembly could also be a platform to kick off Pride Month celebrations and activities in the school.

Reading Books and Discussion

Include books about Pride Month and LGBTQ+ issues in the school’s reading list or library resources. After students have read the books, organize discussion groups where they can share their thoughts, feelings, and what they’ve learned from the books. This can help them deepen their understanding and empathy.

Learning about LGBTQ+ History in America

Incorporate lessons on LGBTQ+ history into the curriculum, focusing on key historical events, such as the Stonewall Riots, the first Pride parade, and important milestones in the fight for LGBTQ+ rights. You could also highlight significant LGBTQ+ individuals who have contributed to American society. This can give students a broader perspective on the struggles and achievements of the LGBTQ+ community.

Fostering an atmosphere of acceptance and understanding is a year-round effort, not just limited to Pride Month. The initiatives introduced during this month should be part of a larger effort to create a safe and inclusive environment for all students.

pride flag

Pride Month Theme Ideas 

  • “Together We Rise”: Focusing on unity, inclusivity, and solidarity within the LGBTQ+ community and beyond.
  • “Queer Through the Years”: Celebrating the diverse and vibrant history of the LGBTQ+ movement and culture.
  • “Proud and Loud”: Emphasizing the power of speaking out and speaking up for LGBTQ+ rights and visibility.
  • “Love is Love”: Highlighting the beauty and diversity of LGBTQ+ love, romance, and relationships.
  • “Colors of the Rainbow”: Celebrating the many different identities, experiences, and stories within the LGBTQ+ community, represented by the colors of the rainbow flag.

Looking for LGBTQ event ideas? Well if you’re looking for a fun way to show allyship and celebrate Pride Month, consider throwing a Pride party! You could host this party in the office, at school, or just a party among friends. 

When planning your pride party, you could come up with fun pride theme ideas, such as a rainbow-themed party or a pride history theme. Decorate with pride party decorations such as colorful balloons, rainbow banners, and quotes about inclusivity. Be sure to bring lots of fun Pride snacks to the party, such as pride-themed cupcakes!

pride cupcakes are a great Pride Month ideas

Pride Month Campaign Ideas 

For businesses looking for pride month ideas, there are plenty of ways that you can incorporate this celebratory month into your workplace. Lots of businesses choose to run pride month campaigns during the month of June. Pride month campaigns are often centered around inclusivity, diversity, and other positive pride themes.

Some great pride month campaign ideas that you could use for your business include:

  • “Stand Up for Pride”: Encouraging people to show their support for LGBTQ+ rights and visibility through social media activism and/or public demonstrations.
  • “Pride in the Workplace”: Fostering diversity and inclusion in the workplace by promoting LGBTQ+ education, awareness, and support.
  • “Pride Across Generations”: Highlighting the intergenerational aspects of the LGBTQ+ community and sharing stories and experiences across different age groups.
  • “Queering the Norm”: Challenging traditional gender and sexual norms through art, fashion, music, and other forms of creative expression.
  • “Proud and Free”: Advocating for the liberation of LGBTQ+ people from oppression, discrimination, and violence, both domestically and globally.
  • A purchase with a cause – donate a certain percentage of a purchase to an LGBTQ charity or group.
  • Put out pride-themed products (You could also do this as a part of the purchase with a cause initiative)
  • Run a pride-themed social media campaign – share quotes about LGBTQ pride, inclusivity, and diversity.

Pride Month FAQs

Still, want more helpful info about Pride Month? Check out this FAQ to help you navigate Pride Month: 

Why do we celebrate Pride Month?

LGBTQ Pride Month is celebrated annually throughout June to commemorate and celebrate the 1969 Stonewall Uprising in Manhattan. This momentous event in American history was a huge turning point in the United States Gay Liberation Movement. 
While the original Pride Day took place on the last Sunday of June, it eventually became a month-long celebration. Many major cities in the US turned that day into a month-long series of events. Today, June is celebrated as Pride Month, both nationally and internationally. 

Why is it important to celebrate Pride Month?

Pride Month honors the history, struggles, and achievements of the LGBTQ+ community. Pride events promote visibility, acceptance, and equal rights. Celebrating Pride Month shows solidarity and sends a message of support for LGBTQ+ people.

How can we celebrate Pride Month in the workplace?

  • Host Pride Month trivia games during lunch or virtual happy hours to test employees’ knowledge of LGBTQ+ history and culture.
  • Create a collaborative Spotify pride playlist that employees can add songs to.
  • Change company social media platform profile photos to rainbow versions of the logos.
  • Have employees share their best ideas for Pride Month activities in the workplace.

Suggest a few Pride Month activities for work day.

  • Organize a virtual pride march or parade using a social media platform like Facebook or Instagram. Employees can share photos and videos marching for LGBTQ+ equality.
  • Implement a rainbow dress code and decorate workspaces with pride flags and colors.
  • Host a potluck lunch with rainbow-themed foods and desserts.
  • Invite an LGBTQ+ guest speaker to present virtually or record a special message.

Our office is remote/virtual this year. Do you have any virtual Pride Month ideas to celebrate?

  • Host online pride trivia games on LGBTQ+ history and culture to build community remotely.
  • Organize virtual pride marches by having employees post videos marching or dancing with pride signs.
  • Create digital pride-themed decorations and backgrounds for video calls.
  • Curate Spotify pride playlists employees can listen to and collaborate on.

What not to wear to pride?

Pride Parades are about celebrating inclusivity and diversity and taking pride in who you are. With that being said, wear whatever you want to a pride parade as long as it is not hateful or derogatory. 

Is it safe to go to Pride?

Pride events are safe to attend. Many events have security or law enforcement to ensure the crowd’s safety.

Can Allies wear rainbow? 

LGBTQ allies can certainly wear rainbow to show their support for the Pride Movement. Wearing a rainbow lets people know that you’re an ally.

What to wear to pride as an ally?

Pride allies can dress as they please to attend a pride event. You can wear rainbow colors (something that symbolizes pride), or choose not to. It’s completely up to you!

What do you wear to pride as a straight person?

As a straight ally, you can wear what you want to wear. Wear a rainbow to show your support or a t-shirt that says “ally.” Consider making a custom t-shirt or another accessory with some variation of phrases or quotes about LGBTQ allyship to express your support. 

How do we celebrate Pride Month as an ally?

As an ally, you can show your support during Pride Month by attending pride events or parades, donating to LGBTQ charities or causes, attending a rally to show your support for LGBTQ causes, wearing pride gear to show allyship, or giving Pride Month gifts to friends. 

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