Make a Swag Donation

Support a social cause that you care about by including swag in donations with an order that's redeemed.

Start your swag order and select 'yes' when prompted to make a donation for every redemption.

Donate Swag

Choose from 100 organizations or filter by category to narrow your search.

Organization List

100% of your donation will go directly to the organization, SwagMagic doesn't keep any fees.

Recipients will get to see the donation message in 2 ways:

Invitation Email

When recipients are notified of their gift, they will see that a donation was made to your chosen organization.

Recipient Landing Page

When recipients open the redemption link, they will see that a donation was made to your chosen organization.

Featured Organization

Project C.U.R.E

Solicit, collect & distribute medical equipment & supplies to the world's neediest countries. Project C.U.R.E. continues to provide humanitarian assistance to the people of Ukraine and will be on standby to assist with any requests we receive for medical supplies and equipment.

Support hospitals in Ukraine

‘Support hospitals in Ukraine’ is committed to supporting Ukrainian hospitals with much needed modern medical equipment and supplies shipped from the united states of America.

Help make a change by donating in your next order